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  • 24 July 2022

    Elements to consider when choosing wall art.

    You are sitting on the sofa in the living room of your fully furnished home, and you feel like something is missing! 

    All the furniture pieces are neatly picked and they fit perfectly together, but still, something is missing. You stare at your blank walls, and it suddenly hits you; Art! 

    Your home doesn’t have art, and your walls are standing bare. 

    Your second thought might be: But I don’t have a clue how to pick wall art, what would go with my furniture, wall color, and room sizes?

    We are here to give you a clue or two on elements you need to keep in mind when choosing wall art for your home. 

    1. Stay true to yourself

    Art is supposed to make you feel something. So whenever an art piece speaks to you and you feel like it represents a facet of your personality, why not pick it up and add it to your wall?

    When you go with your gut and intuition, you steer in the right direction. So skip purchasing name art pieces that you buy just because of the name; at the end of the day, you are going to look at that piece of art more than anyone else; who cares if it costs 50 EGP, but you love it, and it’s a part of you; it’s better than if it costs 5000 and you hate it. 

    2. Choose wall art that correlates with your goals 

    If the room is neutral in colors, maybe a pop of color would balance it out and vice versa. What matters is that the piece you choose suits the room dynamic. 

    So, for something like the bedroom, you want to avoid energizing colors because the bedroom is for relaxing and sleeping. 

    One tip here is to sit in every room that needs wall art and sense the room vibe, what it needs to be complete, or what you want to feel in this room but is currently missing? 

    Based on that, you can pick wall art pieces that correspond to the feelings you want and the room aesthetic. 

    3. Wall Art Size 

    You found a piece that you like, and it suits the room, but would it fit in the room? 

    Figuring out the size is tricky, but here are some guidelines to help you with it. 

    • Large artwork pieces should not be more than two-thirds longer than your sofa.
    • Wall art should be at least 15 centimeters above the edge of your furniture.
    • A small piece of art can’t fill a big space. So try grouping small pieces together. Choose a theme or use artwork by the same artist to complement each other well.
    • Consider the height of ceilings when choosing a size. Be sure it fills the space in length and width.
    • The centerpiece of the wall art should be at eye level
    • Allow between 3 inches to 6 inches of space above the mantel if you’re hanging the wall art over a fireplace

    4. Types of wall art

    From abstract, to photography, to murals, to textured painting, all the way to literature wall art. 

    Try to have a versatile collection of art that represents you and also is cohesive together, especially if you have an open house layout, then you want your wall art pieces to stand out but at the same time be coherent with each other. One trick to doing this is by choosing a common denominator, which could be the artist, the color palette, the type of wall art, or even the framing. 

    Have one element to tie the pieces together if you want them to be coherent. But if you want each room to have its own personality, feel free to go for it. Your home, your rules!

    5. Ask for recommendations and consult with professionals

    It never hurts to ask for recommendations or have consultations with a professional, especially if you are investing in some of the pieces you are considering purchasing. 

    Take pictures of your rooms, have their dimensions with you, send the files to an interior decorator or the website or art gallery you wish to purchase from, along with the wall art pieces you are keen on purchasing, and ask for their advice and recommendations. 

    This way, you have the opinions of professionals with trained eyes, but take them with a grain of salt because, if an art piece sparks a strong emotion within you and they vote against it, you can still purchase it and hang it where you feel it belongs in your home. 

    Wrap up

    Art should evoke your emotions, and it doesn’t have to come at a lavishing price for it to do so. Throughout this article, we have showcased some of Zawaya’s wall art pieces available for you in Egypt, so if you are looking for unique wall art pieces that won’t break your budget, give our newest collection a look.