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  • 24 July 2022

    How to choose wall art for your office space

    Art in all its forms and styles; still life, abstract, portraits, quotes, scenery, nature, photography, mixed media, sculptures, etc., makes us feel something! 

    When you are working, whether your profession is in the creative field or financial field, medical field, etc., you have these moments when you want to feel something different, something that would keep you going. 

    Wall Art could be your source of inspiration, relief, excitement, escape, and admiration. But how do you choose? That’s what we are discussing in this article! 

    Know your needs

    Knowing your work field and your daily work routine, there must be something that you seek; inspiration, motivation, or relaxation. Understanding your needs will help you focus and narrow down your wall art choices. 

    In the creative field, you might want to feed your creativity with inspiration, so art pieces that make you look twice might be suitable for your office. 

    In the financial field, you might want something to liven up your spirits and bolster your self-confidence; paintings with bold colors might do the trick.

    In the medical field, you face stressful life and death situations, so art pieces that are calming and pastel-based are an excellent pair for your office space. 

    Know your space 

    Consider your wall measurements, wall color, and suitable hanging areas where you most likely stare at the most during the day will help you know three things; the size of the wall art, its color scheme, where you want to hang it. 

    The Size: for large rooms, use large wall art pieces to mirror the size of the room. For small rooms, use either a collection of small wall art pieces or one medium-sized piece that visually balances the room and gives it more volume. 

    The Color: colors directly affect how we feel, according to an article by Wall Moulding: “Certain bright colors, such as orange, yellow and red, bring a sense of energy and evoke spontaneity, while cool blues, purples, and soft neutrals can create a feeling of calm and order. Strong pops of color can create a focal point but should include a touch of the dominant color to pull the room’s décor together. Keep in mind that light colors tend to expand a small space. On the other hand, warm tones, particularly reds, pinks, golds, and oranges, can make a spacious room feel cozier.”

    The same article also touches on the significance of composition: “Composition, which refers to the placement or arrangement of visual elements in a work of art, should also be considered when selecting artwork. The direction and orientation of the lines in an artwork can also suggest certain sentiments. Horizontal lines imply tranquility and rest; vertical lines suggest power and strength. Angled convergent lines hint at action or movement and give an image a dramatic and lively effect. Curved lines are associated with softness and call to mind feelings of serenity.”

    The location: Ideally, you want to place your wall art in an area you tend to focus on; behind your desktop or laptop screen or on your desk wall. If your desk is under a window, you can hang it on the wall behind you or next to you so you can turn around and have some eye candy when you take a break. However, if you tend to work from your couch, you can hang it on the wall in front of you, so you have something to marvel at when you look up.  

    Know your personality

    Whether you favor minimalism or bold self-expression, whether you prefer neutral colors or bold colors, knowing what you like and the vibe of your office will help you pick suitable wall art pieces. 

    Know your art 

    Look up different wall art types, abstract, nature, life stills, lyrical, mixed media like metal art, photography, and once you find yourself gravitating towards a particular type, focus on finding your wall art piece from it. 

    Know your surroundings

    When the pandemic hit, we shifted everyday office life to a home basis. So if your workspace is in your home, consider your home as a whole to make sure that the wall art you want goes with the rest of the house; this way, your office room isn’t abruptly different from the rest of your home. Unless that’s your goal, to psychologically transport yourself and signal your mind that it’s time to work. 

    Final Notes

    We tried with this article to provide you with guidelines, not rules, because, at the end of the day, who cares about the rules? The most important thing is that you enjoy the wall art pieces you have, and whenever you seek a break and look at them, you feel inspired and recharged. 

    Zawaya is a wall art company based in Egypt, established to provide you with a variety of wall art pieces that suit your taste and needs.