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  • 24 July 2022

    How to pick the perfect wall art gift

    It is said that you should avoid gifting wall art if you don’t know the person you are gifting well. 

    That does hold some truth, but there are always ways you can use to pick the perfect wall art gift. 

    1. Know the person’s taste in art

    Do they prefer abstract or live stills? Photography or nature paintings? Do they like warm, neutral, or cold colors? Is there a particular artist they prefer? Do they want to travel somewhere or have a favorite city?

    You could easily find out if they bought wall art before, and you can take their purchases as a guide, or you can snoop on their social media accounts like Pinterest and Instagram and see if they posted or pinned wall art-related pieces. 

    Another thing you can do is invite them to a gallery and see which type of art they gravitate towards. 

    2. Know their home

    The whole purpose of wall art is to be hung and admired. It needs to be the perfect size for the room, its color scheme needs to match their home, and its theme needs to be within their favored genre. 

    If their home color scheme is minimal and neutral, go for abstract wall art or stills from nature. 

    If their home is more vintage in its theme, you can go the lyrical or photographic wall art style. 

    If their home is modern, you can go for bold, expressive wall art like prints of known paintings, but make it personal so choose famous paintings they love. 

    Consider also the space of their home and the ideal place for wall art; maybe they have a room that could use it, considering the size of that room. If it’s large, a large wall art piece will compliment it. If it’s small, then go for medium-sized wall art pieces or a collection of small wall art pieces. 

    3. Make it personal

    Don’t go for the obvious; go for the inside joke; go for pieces that mean something. 

    If the person is creative, go for inspirational pieces. 

    If the person is struggling with mental health, go with motivational and lyrical pieces. 

    If the person is vibrant and bold, go with pieces that mimic their character. 

    If the person holds value in memories, go with pieces like photography or scenic prints of their favorite place. 

    If the person faces a lot of stressors outside the home, go with pastel abstract paintings so that they can feel calmer and release the stress of the day. 

    4. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t buy it

    Wall art has a strong effect, so go with your gut feeling. If it doesn’t feel like the one, leave it and move on. You’ll know the right piece when you see it, and it reminds you of the person you are gifting. That’s when you know you found the perfect piece. 

    Wrap up 

    Purchasing wall art can be tricky, especially if it’s for someone else; here at Zawaya, we have a versatile collection of eclectic wall art that will meet your taste and put a smile on your loved one’s face.